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Doc Dr. Levent Bayam
Ortopedi Uzmanı 
PLAB (UK), MRCS(Ed), MCh(T&O), MPhil, MSc(Ingiltere), FEBOT

Kaliteli, doğru ve hasta bazlı yaklaşım

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Doctor Analyzing X-Rays
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2 uzmanlık(Ortopedi, Aile Hekimliği), 3 master( Ingiltere'den) ve diğer klinik diplomalar   


MSc, Birleşik Krallık 


FEBOT, Avrupa


MPhil, Ingiltere


Ortopedi Turkiye Denkliği 


MCh, Ingiltere






Docentlik Unvani


Aile Hekimliği Uzmanligi 


I.U.Cerrahpasa Tip Fakültesi (Ingilizce)

Home: Resume

Uzmanlık Alanları 

Kalca-Diz protezleri 

    Diz- Kalca agrilari 

    Yürüme zorluklari 

Spor yaralanmalari

    Oncapraz bag 

    Omuz-manset yaralanmaları 

    Omuz-Diz artroskopisi 

Genel Travma

    Kalca kiriklari 

    Omuz kiriklari 

    Kol, onkol , el bilegi 

    Ust -alt bacak, ayak bilegi kiriklari 


Düzenli hasta takibi 

Hakkettiğiniz bakim ve tedavi 

Doctor adjusting balance on weighing scale

Medication Prescription Service

Helping You Get Healthy

Doctor with Computer

Medication Prescription Service

Helping You Get Healthy

Medical form with stethoscope
Home: Services


Ortopedi Uzmani, Artroplasti, Artroskopi, Travma

Yrd Doc

Mart 2017-Haziran 2020

Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Ortopedi Anabilim dalı

Yandal Uzmanlık (fellowship)

Mayıs 2015-Kasim 2015

Montreal Üniversitesi, Maisonneuve Hastanesi, Kanada (artroplasti uzerine)

Specialist Doktor

Ekim 2010-Ekim 2017

Manchester Üniversite Hastaneleri, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Ingiltere

Klinik Araştırma Gorevlisi 

Ağustos 2008- Ağustos 2010

Wrightington, Wigan, Leigh NHS Hastaneleri (Wrightington: Dünyadaki ilk basarili kalca protezinin yapildigi hastane 'Charnley')

Ingiltere deki diğer ortopedi-cerrahi eğitimleri  

Şubat 2002- Ağustos 2008

Temel ortopedi bazlı cerrahi rotasyonu, ortopedi fellowlugu (cesitli hastanelerde; Soutport&Ormskirk, Trafford General, North Manchester General Hospital, Salford Royal, Burnley General, Mersey Deanery: Ingiltere)

Home: Resume


Ortopedi Uzmani, Artroplasti, Artroskopi, Travma

Yrd Doc

Mart 2017-Haziran 2020

Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Ortopedi Anabilim dalı

Specialist Doktor

Ekim 2010-Ekim 2017

Manchester Üniversite Hastaneleri, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Ingiltere

Klinik Araştırma Gorevlisi 

Ağustos 2008- Ağustos 2010

This is a description in your CV. Concisely describe the degree, job, award or experience listed. The most effective CVs give a clear snapshot of where you’re coming from and where you’re going in a way that’s easy for readers to scan quickly.

Klinik Araştırma Gorevlisi 

Ağustos 2008- Ağustos 2010

This is a description in your CV. Concisely describe the degree, job, award or experience listed. The most effective CVs give a clear snapshot of where you’re coming from and where you’re going in a way that’s easy for readers to scan quickly.

Home: Resume


Ortopedi Uzmani, Artroplasti, Artroskopi, Travma

Yrd Doc

Mart 2017-Haziran 2020

Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Ortopedi Anabilim dalı

Specialist Doktor

Ekim 2010-Ekim 2017

Manchester Üniversite Hastaneleri, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Ingiltere

Klinik Araştırma Gorevlisi 

Ağustos 2008- Ağustos 2010

This is a description in your CV. Concisely describe the degree, job, award or experience listed. The most effective CVs give a clear snapshot of where you’re coming from and where you’re going in a way that’s easy for readers to scan quickly.

Klinik Araştırma Gorevlisi 

Ağustos 2008- Ağustos 2010

This is a description in your CV. Concisely describe the degree, job, award or experience listed. The most effective CVs give a clear snapshot of where you’re coming from and where you’re going in a way that’s easy for readers to scan quickly.

Home: Resume
Nurse Taking Notes


Once hasta gelir

Istanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpasa Tip Fakültesi (Ingilizce)

2 uzmanlık; Tip fakültesi sonrası  Aile Hekimliği ve sonra 15 yıl Ingiltere ve ortopedi eğitimi. Son 3 yıl Turkiye, Sakarya Üniversitesi ve Doçentlik 

Home: About

Medical Services

Ortopedi Uzmani, tecrübeli ve kalifiye
Kaliteli ve yetkin bir hizmet icin

Doctor adjusting balance on weighing scale

Routine Checkup

Through a holistic approach to medicine, I try viewing each patient as a whole rather than a single symptom to be treated. This is just one of many procedures I perform when coming up with any diagnosis. Your health deserves proper care and attention and I’m able to provide. Please contact me today to schedule an appointment.

Doctor with Computer

Medication Prescription Service

For years, patients have depended on me to provide this valuable service. I offer this and other specialized options to anyone in need of a Doctor they can trust. I’m Levent Bayam, and I’m dedicated to building long-lasting relationships based on trust and medical integrity with every single patient.

Doctor with Files

Medical Diagnosis

Baslica uzmanliklarim; Artroplasti, artroskopi, kalca ve diz rahatsizliklari, spor incinmeleri, her cesit travma

  Through this and other services, I’ve cared for numerous patients throughout my career as a Doctor. To me, nothing matters more than your health and comfort, which is why I’ve put in so much time and effort into advancing my medical practice and techniques. Please get in touch to schedule an initial consultation.

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Home: Video

Contact Me

Zeytinburnu, Turkey


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Medical Tablet

Heart Disease: Myths and Facts

Write a short summary of one of your published articles here. Include a link to the original story online. This is a great way to establish yourself as an experienced, knowledgeable doctor in your field. You can also include important resources for your patients here.


HPV Spike Among Americans

Write a short summary of one of your published articles here. Include a link to the original story online. This is a great way to establish yourself as an experienced, knowledgeable doctor in your field. You can also include important resources for your patients here.

Doctor Operating CT Scanner

Flu Rates Rise Among Younger Women

Write a short summary of one of your published articles here. Include a link to the original story online. This is a great way to establish yourself as an experienced, knowledgeable doctor in your field. You can also include important resources for your patients here.

Doctor Taking Notes

Heart Disease: Myths and Facts

Write a short summary of one of your published articles here. Include a link to the original story online. This is a great way to establish yourself as an experienced, knowledgeable doctor in your field. You can also include important resources for your patients here.

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